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Addon to help calculate your adventure table mission success rate!
Sun King’s Salvation
Hungering Destroyer Mythic Guide
Huntsman Altimor Mythic Guide
Shriekwing Mythic Guide
Torghast is being updated today (12/17/20) and Tomorrow (12/18/20) to include lots of nerfs to mob health, cast speed, and damage, especially on higher layers solo or with a group. Also there are updates to make acquiring anima powers easier, and giving you more,…[Read more]
Here’s a link to Leatherworking information in Shadowlands.
Here’s a quick overview of the professions in Shadowlands, and how they’ve changed from previous expansions.
Here is a Wowhead guide on how to acquire your Legendary, and everything about them.
Here’s a playlist of Guides for all of the Raid Bosses in Castle Nathria. Some of these mechanics may be subject to change because these are from the beta. However, it will still be good to get to know some of these mechanics before it goes live!
Here is an awesome Introduction Guide for everything in the Shadowlands. Credit to Lightvessal for finding it! At the top of the page you can access the different tabs for Preparation, Leveling, and information about Covenants, as well as many other things in the…[Read more]