Post has published by Jesse November 9, 2020 August 29, 2024 Join our Raid Team Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.Main Character Name *Please provided the character you wish to raid withDo you plan to raid in TWW? *YesNoWhat content are you interested in playing? *Raiding (Heroic)Raiding (Mythic)Mythic+ DungeonsPVPQuestingDo our raid times (Saturday/Sunday 1pm-4pm CST/Illidan Server Time) work for you? *Yes, alwaysOnly SaturdaysOnly SundaysUnstable schedule, changes week to weekNo, neverAre you okay with being a backup if roster is full? *YesNoHow long are you intending on playing the expansion? *Unless I love it, just one monthUntil we clear heroic, then I am doneAt least through the first tierIndefinitelyOtherIf other please explain.We intend to do heavy mythic progression this tier. If you are not interested, that is fine. However, your decision for boss selections will not be top priority. Is this okay with you? *YesNoMain Character Class *NoneWarriorPaladinHunterRougePriestShamanMageWarlockMonkDruidDemon HunterDeath KnightWarrior SpecsArmsFuryProtectionChoose your main and alt specsPaladin SpecsHolyProtectionRetributionChoose your main and alt specsDeath Knight SpecsBloodFrostUnholyChoose your main and alt specsDemon Hunter SpecsHavocVengeanceChoose your main and alt specsDruid SpecsRestorationGuardianFeralBalanceChoose your main and alt specsHunter SpecsBeast MasterMarksmanshipSurvivalChoose your main and alt specsMage SpecsArcaneFireFrostChoose your main and alt specsPriest SpecsDisciplineHolyShadowChoose your main and alt specsMonk SpecsBrewmasterMistweaverWindwalkerChoose your main and alt specsRouge SpecsAssassinationOutlawSubtletyChoose your main and alt specsShaman SpecsElementalEnhancementRestorationChoose your main and alt specsWarlock SpecsAfflictionDemonologyDestructionChoose your main and alt specsAlt Character ClassNoneWarriorPaladinHunterRougePriestShamanMageWarlockMonkDruidDemon HunterDeath KnightAlt Character NameWarrior SpecsArmsFuryProtectionChoose your main and alt specsPaladin SpecsHolyProtectionRetributionChoose your main and alt specsDeath Knight SpecsBloodFrostUnholyDemon Hunter SpecsHavocVengeanceChoose your main and alt specsDruid SpecsRestorationGuardianFeralBalanceChoose your main and alt specsHunter SpecsBeast MasterMarksmanshipSurvivalChoose your main and alt specsMage SpecsArcaneFireFrostChoose your main and alt specsMonk SpecsBrewmasterMistweaverWindwalkerChoose your main and alt specsPriest SpecsDisciplineHolyShadowChoose your main and alt specsRouge SpecsAssassinationOutlawSubtletyChoose your main and alt specsShaman SpecsElementalEnhancementRestorationChoose your main and alt specsWarlock SpecsAfflictionDemonologyDestructionWhat is your preferred role? *DamageHealerTankHow comfortable are you with swapping to other roles, regardless if it is temporary or permanently? Selected Value: 1 1 - Uncomfortable to 5 - Very Comfortable Which alternative(s) would you prefer, if you were needed to swap? *DamageHealerTankHow committed are you to playing your main? Selected Value: 1 1 - minimal to 5 - Fully CommitedAre you likely to maintain a raid ready alt (your main alt)? *Yes, definitelyMaybe, it might lag behind a bitNo, only one character for meContact information ( REQUIRED and/or in-game character name) *Please provide a current warcraftlogs link for your character.Anything else you want to tell us? Suggestions and/or comments are welcomed and appreciated, thank you.Submit