Ancient Mana Dealers


Post has published by Jesse

Ancient Mana Dealers is a semi-hardcore weekend day time progression Horde guild on Illidan.  Our guild fosters a vibrant, friendly environment where everyday we’re exploring something new for us to do both alone in the game and as a guild in general.  We also enjoy pvp, mythic plus runs, and other fun activities WoW has to offer!

Our leadership team consist of self-motivated, ambitious individuals, who are always looking to improve and advance themselves as well as our fellow raiders.  Our raid leaders are experienced 6/12M Nya and 6/9M ATDH raiders, who have obtained Ahead of the Curve since Legion.  Our raid team is composed of raiders with various raiding experiences ranging from casual to hardcore raiders, who are self sufficient and strive to be their best while still having fun.  However, we also all rely on each other to get certain things done, so there is no shame in asking for help with something or questions about your class, if you need advice.

We are focused on filling the raid team while maintaining our core raiders to move through mythic effectively and efficiently while still preserving the joy and enthusiasm of raiding as a team.  The ideal candidate for our raid team is a player that possesses a similar mindset as we do about progression.  They come with various raiding experience, fresh ideas, and are willing to adapt based on the needs of the raid team.  We welcome anyone 21+ or older, as most have an adult sense of humor and joke around quite a bit.  If this piques your interest and we seem like a good fit for you, then you are in the right place!  Even if the raid team is full, we always welcome those available for backup spots, and offer alt raids on Saturday and Monday 7pmCST!

To apply for the raid team, please fill both applications “Apply to Join” and “Join Our Raid Team”.  If you would like to just join the guild, please fill out the “Apply to Join”.  Thank you for your interest in our guild and we look forward to hearing from you!

Apply to JoinApply to Join Raid Team

If you have any other questions, please add the raid leads’ Bnet/Discord. Punisher#12117/Blingclintonttv, or Halfkorean#11760/joshielee

A password will be emailed to you.